Videos and other resources for our clients

Making our website into a valuable resource for our clients is very important to us.

Educational videos on financial planning topics. Every 12 weeks the current range of 6 videos is changed for another 6. All are relevant and interesting. Ensure you and your family are able to learn about many topics related to financial planning issues and topics. Current topics are:

  • What can a financial planner do for you?
  • Understanding SMSFs
  • Women and Wealth Management
  • Duty of Disclosure
  • Take the risk management test
  • Cup of Advice – Inheritance

Latest news articles. 7-9 articles are added every month and all chosen for their relevance. Our website is a great place to stay informed.

Calculators. A good range of calculators to help you better understand and manage your personal and family financial issues. Four of the more popular are: Pay calculator, Budget Calculator, Loan Calculator, and Super Calculator

Client portals. Portals are quite common on many sites and can be used to store your data, pay bills, log onto investment systems, and more.

Ask us a question at any time. If you have a question on any related topic then don’t hesitate to use a form on our site to ask.

Your information is private and confidential and should be treated that way. Using Secure File Transfer means your information is encrypted when sent in either direction over the Internet.

Many sites also have a message window feature that displays messages of interest or that cover topics and deadlines you should be aware of.

* Not all are on every website.

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Sofie Korac is an Authorised Representative (No. 400164) of Prudentia Financial Planning Pty Ltd, AFSL 544118 and a member of the Association of Financial Advisers.

Financial Advice Sydney and the North Shore Office based in Lindfield NSW

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