Category: Newsletter

Behavioural Coaching

Behavioural coaching is a major component in how a financial planner adds value to your portfolio. Last month’s topic was “How a Financial Planner adds value to a Portfolio?”, a major component being Behavioural coaching. The month before the topic was “The Value a Planner Adds to a Portfolio”. This month the focus is on...


2018 Federal Budget – What it means for you

Superannuation Superannuation work test exemption for retirees Effective 1 July 2019 The Government intends to amend the superannuation contribution rules to allow people aged 65 to 74 that have a total superannuation balance of under $300,000 to make voluntary contributions for 12 months from the end of the financial year they last satisfied the work...


General advice "misleading": Productivity Commission

Important note: General advice does not offer the same consumer protection and should not be confused with “personal” advice according to the Productivity Commission who is calling for the term “general advice” to be scrapped. Fund managers, online direct insurance and industry super funds hide behind the “general advice” disclaimer whereas consumers don’t distinguish the difference...


Weekend saving ideas – for your pocket and lifestyle

When weekends are crammed with Saturday sport, shopping and screens, it can be hard to feel like you’ve had fun and relaxed. Discover how to get more from your precious days off and spend less. Plan for all the right ingredients To have a happy weekend to look forward to (and back on), it’s important...


Changes to the Age Pension rules – how will you be affected?

From 1 January 2017 Government changes to the Age Pension are likely to reduce pensioner entitlements.  Increase in the Assets Test (lower) threshold The Assets Test threshold is the amount of assets pensioners can hold before their pension starts to reduce under the Centrelink Assets Test. The table below shows the new thresholds from 1...


SMSF – Minimum needed as recommended by ASIC

In an attempt to improve the quality of advice provided by advisers on SMSF, the Australian Securities and investments commission (ASIC) has released two information sheets – click on the link below for more information: Information Sheet 205 Advice on self-managed superannuation funds: Disclosure of risks, or INFO 205, and Information Sheet 206 Advice on...


To fix or not to fix (your mortgage), that is the question …

There has been a lot of talk about interest rates – are they to continue going down (in Australia) or are they going to go up in the not too distant future? The simple answer is – no one knows for sure. However, we can look at some numbers and see what they imply. I...


NEWSLETTER – December 2011

In this edition: Saving – The new black, You’ve come a long way baby – stategies to give your super a final boost, Scams – How gullible are we? Recipe: Tuna Rice Bake Click here to read the Newsletter  


NEWSLETTER – June 2011

In this edition: The case for cash & debt management, The power of giving blood, Managing your estate now is essential, Planning for the unexpected, Recipe: Asian chicken, corn and noodle soup. Download Newsletter  


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Sofie Korac is an Authorised Representative (No. 400164) of Prudentia Financial Planning Pty Ltd, AFSL 544118 and a member of the Association of Financial Advisers.

Financial Advice Sydney and the North Shore Office based in Gordon NSW

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